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- n° vol.100n°9 - pp.17-20.
Cote : rev4

Epidemiology examines the distribution and source of disease in a population. Understanding epidemiology and disease transmission is vital to nursing care. Infectious disease transmission requires three components : an agent (virus, bacterium, parasite or other microbe), a vulnerable host and a conducive environment. Disease spread can occur through direct contactor or via indirect methods (airborne droplets, vectors, fomitees, water or food).Intervnetion can occur by attacking the agent, changing the environment or strngthening the host.
Epidemiology examines the distribution and source of disease in a population. Understanding epidemiology and disease transmission is vital to nursing care. Infectious disease transmission requires three components : an agent (virus, bacterium, parasite or other microbe), a vulnerable host and a conducive environment. Disease spread can occur through direct contactor or via indirect methods (airborne droplets, vectors, fomitees, water or ...

Soins ; Hygiène hospitalière ; Phénomène épidémiologique ; Contamination ; Vecteur

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