
Documents  Mohsen, Emilien | enregistrements trouvés : 25


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- n° 419 - p. 49

Obésité ; Anglais

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Materiovigilance Mohsen, Emilien | l'infirmière magazine Juillet-août 2019


- n° 406 - p. 52

A senior registered nurse (RN) is explaining to a trainee nurse (TN), who’s carrying out her internship in the operating room, what materiovigilance (MV) is about. (RE)

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- n° 407 - p. 52

A first-year trainee nurse is carrying out her first internship in psychiatry. Her tutor is checking what he knows about the symptoms and treatments of bipolar disorder. (RE)

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- n° 2 - p. 27

Je me forme : Anglais

Anglais ; Chute ; Personne âgée

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Enteral nutrition Mohsen, Emilien | L'infirmière Décembre 2020 - Janvier 2021


- n° 3-4 - p. 3

A health care professional is giving a patient some information about tube nutrition that he is about to undergo. (RE)

Anglais ; nutrition entérale

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Multiple Myeloma Mohsen, Emilien | L'infirmière Février 2021


- n° 5 - p. 30

Fiche anglais

Cancer ; Hémopathie ; Anglais

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- n° 7 - p. 28

A nurse is giving a patient some information about tuberculosis and how it can be dealt with in hospital and at home. (RE)

Anglais ; Tuberculose

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- n° 8 - p. 29

A newly qualified Occupational therapist (Ot) has been taken on in the Rheumatology service of a hospital. She’s having a discussion with the Staff Nurse (SN) on the subject. (RE)


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- n° 9 - p. 28

A trainee nurse (N) is carrying out her internship in the onco-dermatology service of a hospital. She’s discussing some biopsychosocial aspects of care with her tutor (T). (RE)

Anglais ; Chimiothérapie ; Dermatologie

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Pressure sore education Mohsen, Emilien | L'infirmière Juillet-août 2021


- n° 10-11 - p. 27

In the Follow-up and Rehabilitation Service, a specialized nurse (SN) is educating an elderly patient’s family member (FM) on what bed sores are and what care is provided at hospital.


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- n° 12 - p. 26

A student nurse (SN) is writing her term paper on oral hygiene and its impact on health. She’s having a discussion with a referent nurse (RN), who is her tutor.

hygiène buccale ; Anglais

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- n° 13 - p. 29

Un chargé de cours (CI) montre à une étudiante infirmière (SN) de première année comment effectuer une intraveineuse, notamment concernant le choix de l'IV et les étapes et exigences nécessaires. (RE)


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Intrathecal Analgesia Mohsen, Emilien | L'infirmière Novembre 2021


- n° 14 - p. 27

A student nurse (SN) is carrying out her traineeship in cancerology. Her tutor (T) is checking some information with her concerning cancer pain care.


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Undurstanding Alzheimer's Disease Mohsen, Emilien | L'infirmière Décembre 2021-Janvier 2022


- n° 15-16 - p. 32

In a neurology unit, a tutor (T) is reviewing a trainee nurses’ (N) and an occupational therapy student’s (OT) knowledge on Alzheimer’s disease before practical training starts off. (Re)

Anglais ; Démence Alzheimer

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- n° 18 - p. 28

During her internship, a nursing student (NS) is being instructed by her tutor (T) on the anorectal disorders in paraplegia. (RE)


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- n° 21 - p. 28

A resident nurse is training a young intern nurse on what atopic dermatitis is.

Anglais ; dermatite atopique

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- n° 22-23 - p. 24

In the ophthalmic emergency service, a specialized nurse (SN) is checking the general knowledge of a trainee nurse (TN) before the latter takes on her shift. (RE)

Anglais ; Ophtalmologie

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- n° 24 - p. 23

In an interdisciplinary service for pain management, a specialized nurse (SN) is educating a patient (P) on how to deal with migraine spells. (RE)

Anglais ; Migraine

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Undernutrition in the elderly Mohsen, Emilien | L'infirmière Décembre 2022 - Janvier 2023


- n° 27-28 - p. 24

In a home visit, a specialized nurse (SN) is discussing with an elderly patient (EP) what undernutrition implies and what measures should be taken. (RE)

Anglais ; dénutrition

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