
Documents  RATURI M. | enregistrements trouvés : 1


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- n° Vol.18 n°2 - 107-111

Telling the truth is the foremost responsibility of any physician towards his or her clients. This applies more so to the blood centre physician (BCP) and should not be overlooked when he or she has to break the bad news to the serology reactive blood donors (SRBD) about their transfusion transmissible infection (TTI) results. Additionally, the donor notification and post-test discussion (PTD) must be done in a trust laden atmosphere based on all the four ethical principles, namely, the autonomy of individuals, beneficence, non-maleficence and justice in an appropriately structured manner. Therefore, having an overall TTI seroprevalence of 1.68% amongst the blood donors attending our blood centre, we sought out to assess the various ethical and psychological issues faced by both the SRBD and the BCP during their PTD in our facility. RE
Telling the truth is the foremost responsibility of any physician towards his or her clients. This applies more so to the blood centre physician (BCP) and should not be overlooked when he or she has to break the bad news to the serology reactive blood donors (SRBD) about their transfusion transmissible infection (TTI) results. Additionally, the donor notification and post-test discussion (PTD) must be done in a trust laden atmosphere based on ...

Produit sanguin ; DON ; Communication ; ANNONCE ; Ethique

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